
Explore Campus Children's Center Classrooms


  • Ages: 6 weeks–1 year
  • Group size: Up to 8
  • Staff to child ratio: 1:3

During a child's first year, we emphasize the development of strong relationships between caregivers, child, and family. When children trust their caregivers, they become comfortable in exploring the world around them. Breastmilk and cloth diapers are both welcome. Two full-time staff are in the infant room for the majority of the day, in addition to hourly aides.

Parents are always welcome to visit in the classroom. Cribs are set up in half of the room for sleeping, and toys, bouncy seats, and rocking chairs occupy the other half. When the weather is nice, the babies can be found out on walks in the buggy or toddling around their play yard.


  • Ages: Approximately 1–2 years
  • Group size: Up to 10
  • Staff to child ratio: 1:5

For toddlers, the world is an exciting place full of interesting new things to be discovered. The toddler classroom contains various interest and learning centers, and our daily schedule allows for a big chunk of time dedicated to child-initiated play. Our team of responsive and caring teachers realizes that toddlers need lots of love and support to practice their newly acquired skills over and over again!


  • Ages: Approximately 2–3 years
  • Group size: Up to 10
  • Staff to child ratio: 1:5

The classroom and larger playground for the twos both offer many choices to help this age group grow and develop. Helping twos acquire age-appropriate skills and make developmental transitions is a fundamental part of the curriculum. The twos' classroom features several intentional spaces for assisting their development, including dress-up, house, library, loft, and writing areas. Twos are known for story-telling and using their imagination in their artwork. Expect to see children's creations displayed around the room!


  • Ages: 3–5 years
  • Group size: Up to 20
  • Staff to child ratio: 1:10

Our multi-age classrooms provide continuity as children stay in the same classroom with their teachers from age 3 to when children leave for kindergarten. Our preschool rooms are designed to accommodate the wide range of stages and abilities of 3- to 5-year-olds. Classrooms include open-ended materials rotated to reflect children's current interests—including areas for art and writing, dramatic play, math/manipulatives, motor development, music, science and sensory, and the library.